There I was, halfway through the second month of 2012 and my New Year's Resolve had fizzled.

Anyone relate?

While I am still WANTING to make the changes and choices to be able to reach my health and wellness goals, I am too easily swayed and knocked off track when it comes to these things:

- french fries
- cocktails
- movement (or lack thereof)
- less focus and desire to plan, shop, chop and cook for myself
- various "cheats" like drive-throughs, cheese dip, indulgent spreads at parties and whatnot.
_So I decided to call in the big guns... I finally got my butt to Living Well Dallas and began- really began my professionally-supported wellness path.

I sat with the owners and founders of Living Well Dallas, Betty Murray and Jenny Bair to lay out a plan. First and foremost, they asked me what my goals were.

Oh. Goals, eh? Those would help.  While I'm great at helping my coaching clients determine their goals, I've always been so vague and general when it comes to my wellness goals... time to hone in a little, and get clear about what I'm wanting!

1. To make healthy living and healthy choices a habit instead of a special occasion.
2. To release excess weight, 20 lbs would be awesome.
3. To eliminate chronic pain (hip, back)
4. To feel better than I ever have, to radiate brighter and be an example of the transformative power of good choices and taking control of my health.

Once we got those in place, Betty began a comprehensive assessment of my overall health, currently and historically... which meant LOTS of questions. What was uncomfortable about this was that I came face to face with many truths about my lifestyle, my choices, even some secrets involving things like cigarettes, vodka, drive-throughs, and other unmentionables... I felt exposed, vulnerable yet... CLEAN.

(What's that twelve-step saying? "You're only as sick as your secrets...")

Once we got all that out, we even went into family history and then she began to create a plan of action for me.

Based on my desire to transform my body, and to see results in time for my 3.31.12 Femme Fatale Carnivale, she prescribed a "Quick Start" diet, which compared to the strictness of the Cleanse, seems quite delicious and exciting. However, one of my greatest challenges is feeling too structured, too limited or overwhelmed. I know myself well enough to know that I am not going to aim for 100% adherence, but would rather use the diet as a way to align myself better to the type of eating I want to do as a lifestyle, and make exceptions for special treats and occasional indulgences...  (I don't even like the word diet, and I know that my body knows that "diets" don't work... real change works.)

I will do my best to use as it to guide me, not control me. (If you remember, feeling controlled is one of my least favorite feelings...)

She introduced me to Sinuplex, a natural supplement that will help me with my sinus and allergy pain and daily headaches and told me to try Ultrameal shakes for breakfast or snacks while on my Quick Start Diet. She recommended that I eat Nori (dried seaweed strips) to help with my changes in hormone and worsening menstrual symptoms.

_I also finally got my Fluidity Barre system which I have a love/hate relationship with! It's an INTENSE workout that I have been doing every other day, and while it's SO good for me, of course I have resistance to most changes that are for my best.

I also had a session with Brenda Briscoe, Living Well Dallas' Bowenwork Practioner. If you've never experienced Bowenwork, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Brenda Briscoe rocks!
_While its science is very precise and physiological, Brenda describes it quite simply to laypeople like me as this: "Bowenwork is a gentle (but deep), hands-on therapy done through clothing which brings every system of the body into balance. It sends new nerve signals to the brain to help you get out of the fight or flight mode, also to break the pain/spasm/pain cycle. Bottom line: quick, profound, long-lasting resolution to pain and other conditions."  I'll take it!

I can't quite describe the way it feels, because it's so different from any type of bodywork I've had. The Bowenwork practitioner works for a couple minutes, with these slight and intense kneading movements with her fingers, separating muscle from fascia, and then she leaves the room for a few minutes. It feels so good when she's working, that when she leaves, you feel like yelling "NOOOO! Don't go! Don't stop!" but then, when you're alone with your body, and experiencing the sensations of the activations happening inside you that she has initiated, that's when the real magic happens. 

I'm talking about great physical pleasure, tingling, gentle and pleasurable electrical sensations that move up and down the entire length of your body, and some of the deepest relaxation I've ever experienced. It puts me into what feels to me to be theta state- a meditative, dream-like wakefulness... not asleep, but not awake, almost hallucinating, or at least having thoughts that had no basis in reality.  For me, a Bowenwork session is PURE BLISS. I can't wait til my next one.

It sure feels good to be back on track.

I have been impressing myself with my newly charged resolve. I think that's the secret for me. I need to CHARGE my resolve regularly, like we charge our cell phones when the battery gets low... what charges me is  SUPPORT, new things to try, variety, interesting and exciting experimentation... and most of all: enjoyment and pleasure.  I'm there again.

I can do this.

I am recommitted and on the right track. And to the little voice inside of me that mocks me... "Oh boy... here she goes again. Resolved... AGAIN..."  I say this: YES. Again. At least I get back up, at least I am trying. I have not given up. I am not seeking perfection. I just want to be better than I was. I want happiness. Wellness. Health. I deserve those things. I'm worth the money, the effort, the resolve and starting over. And over and over, if that's what it takes.

How's your resolve? What charges your resolve? What can you recommit to? You're not alone! Support is there for those who seek it.

Come on over to the SacredSexyHealthy Facebook Group and join the conversation!

    About me...

    _Evolving, risking, noticing, thinking, feeling, breathing, ascending, learning, loving, growing, BEING.

    A natural born supporter of growth and expression, I love to create happiness, cool experiences and inspire others to step into their most magnificent versions of themselves.

    I want to reconnect the disconnect, heal the rift between flesh and spirit, settle the score between right and wrong, diminish my inner critic and love myself best I can.

    I am shadow and light, I embrace it all, most of the time, and I want to live full-out.

    My life is full of meaningful relationships, everyday epiphanies and magical miracles.

    Divinity's delicious,
    dripping with flavor.
    The world is full of wonder,
    everything is mystical.
    The journey, a joyride.
    I'm taking notes along the way.


    June 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    December 2011

