Ladies and gentleman, I hereby declare myself one of the most defiant people on the planet, especially when it comes to whatever feels like rules, restrictions, limits, control and/or loss of freedom. Which could be one of the main reasons I find myself so ridiculously resistant to "DIETS". This is not a diet. Repeat after me: DIETS ARE STUPID.

We've all dieted. We've all lost weight only to see it creep back.  There's nothing wrong with us. It's science.

Let's do this differently.  Let's change.

I know that you know that I know what needs to change. I can make a list of things right now that for me (I can't speak for you, in fact I invite you to create your own list as soon as you're done reading this.) I know that while I do, don't do, eat or don't eat these things on my list, I am not at optimal health. I know making these changes will make me feel better. I know these changes will even support my releasing extra weight.


It's the DOING that makes things happen.

However, I'm also going to be very realistic about things this time.  Changing is about sacrifice. It's about deciding and letting certain things go. The word 'decide' originates from the root words "to kill." Think genocide, suicide, matricide... etc.

When we DECIDE to do anything, something's got to die.

So I created a list. And I got real with it. In the first column I listed the changes that need to happen, the things I am currently feeling prompted to release. In the second column I asked myself a very important question:

Am I willing at THIS time in my life to release this 'whatever'?

Some of my answers were YES. Some of them were "for 21 days, sure I can start there." Some of them were "hell no."

For example...

I am willing to release diet soda and the occasional cigarette I have clung to for no good reason.

I am willing to completely give up alcohol for 21 days, during my Cleanse. (More on that later.)

I am also willing to completely give up dairy and animal products for 21 days, as an experiment.

I am NOT willing to give up my  cup of morning coffee with coconut creamer at this time.

And I'm OKAY with that.

Your turn.
1. Make a list of all the things you are feeling led to change or release at this time for improved health and wellness.
2. Get super honest with  yourself, and negotiate terms for these items. Now? In a little while? For a little while? Never?

Let's start there,

It started with me being in a bold mood and following a whim. (Come to think of it, most of the awesome experiences I have start that way...)

See, I've been 'trying' to get healthy for years now. Every year, around this time, especially, I have felt motivated and full of resolve. I then privately attempt to get myself 'in shape', lose weight, eat better, break old habits, become a healthier version of myself, and sometimes it works, for a while.

Most of the time though, I don't get very far off the ground. It dawned on me (we'll call it a DIVINE DUH!) that what I've been missing are the very things I am so hell-bent on as a coach...

- support
- accountability
- community

I am a people person. Frankly, going-it-alone just doesn't keep me interested.

I'm also a right-brain, pleasure-seeking, rebellious creative, so strict diets, rules, restrictions, and anything that feels like 'control' sends me climbing out the proverbial window in search of FREEDOM!  Here's the deal:

I want to get healthy while feeling free. I want to have fun while doing it. I want to learn more about myself in the process. I want a healthy relationship with food.  I want to release some of the habits that have gotten in the way of being healthy. I want to develop new habits that don't feel like suffering, that give me pleasure and make me feel really, really good.

So I sent this email to my SacredSexyU mailing list, and also blasted it all over Facebook.
What started out as a declaration has become a movement...

Many people wrote me immediately following that email saying "YES! I want this too. I'm so ready!" Many others said "Are you starting a group?"  Hmmm... I thought. I hadn't thought of that. Then, I thought of it til I couldn't think of much anything else and SacredSexyHealthy, the next stage of my evolution (and yours?) was born!

I'm better when I'm supported. I'm better when I am in community. I'm better when I'm accountable. Can I be accountable to you?

I invite you to follow this blog as I explore all sorts of things, as I get more real than I ever have about food, self-esteem, body image, movement and  that evil four letter word: DIET. 

Think of it as part confessional, part exhibitionism, part healing, part soul work, part program, part party. And you're invited.

    About me...

    _Evolving, risking, noticing, thinking, feeling, breathing, ascending, learning, loving, growing, BEING.

    A natural born supporter of growth and expression, I love to create happiness, cool experiences and inspire others to step into their most magnificent versions of themselves.

    I want to reconnect the disconnect, heal the rift between flesh and spirit, settle the score between right and wrong, diminish my inner critic and love myself best I can.

    I am shadow and light, I embrace it all, most of the time, and I want to live full-out.

    My life is full of meaningful relationships, everyday epiphanies and magical miracles.

    Divinity's delicious,
    dripping with flavor.
    The world is full of wonder,
    everything is mystical.
    The journey, a joyride.
    I'm taking notes along the way.


    June 2012
    April 2012
    March 2012
    February 2012
    January 2012
    December 2011

